Niigata Declaration:
Japan and Taiwan, both facing the rapid aging of society, have come to deeply recognize the importance of integrating home medical care and remote medical care through the experience of the Covid-19 pandemic.Therefore, Japanese Association for Home Care Medicine, Taiwan Society of Home Health Care, and NPO National Network of Medical & Care Workers with Citizens Supporting Community Symbiotic Society hereby declare our commitment and cooperation to promote hybrid care, combining home medical care and remote medical care, in pursuit of social welfare and the happiness of citizens.
日本和台灣同樣面臨社會快速高齡化的挑戰,並透過 Covid-19 大流行經驗,更深刻認識到在宅醫療與遠距醫療整合的重要性。因此,社團法人日本在宅醫療聯合學會、社團法人台灣在宅醫療學會以及NPO支援社區共生的醫療、長照和市民全國網絡組織,特此宣言將共同努力推動結合在宅醫療和遠距醫療的混合照護(Hybrid care),以追求社會福祉和人民的幸福。